Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hail-NekoYasha Comics

    So besides watching Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends I'm been online looking at possibly the funniest comics ever! I think this guy is a genius and I think that our minds are alike in the fact that if I lived in a cartoon world (which I often do in my mind) it would be exactly like these comics. Hope you guys enjoy them as much a i did. Also comment on them tell me if you like these or not I'm just doing this to make people laugh and to make their day and hopefully not talk to my self on this blog. 
    A little background about this guy his user name is Hail-NekoYasha. Most of his comics are about the character form Super Smash Bros. Meele, The Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. He also puts himself into the comics and also used Marth as the butt of the joke. Under each comic I put the Authors comments plus mine. 
 "How's a flute supposed to wake something up? I never got that." Yup never made sense in my mind either but this what i would do if i were a Pokemon trainer. 
 "This episode was brought to you by the letter "K!"
On Phantom Ganon's trophy it says that you can use an empty bottle to deflect his magical magic attacks, like you'd swing the bottle and it would smack back to him just like had you used the sword. See, when I read it, I thought it meant you could actually capture the ball of energy in a bottle; and, like...sell it or something. That would've been better." IF the world were a cartoon this is something i would do or i would bottle it up and send it to a friend like Maddie who would probably laugh that she had ben hit by a ball of energy rather then sue me. 
"Wireless Super Smash Brothers: beat up your friends from miles away." I full heatedly agree with this :)
    "Yeah, totally. I went out and bought an ocarina, because I take it to the max.
So I bought it at some random music store for four dollars...which is odd, because they're sold in Nintendo Power for forty. I mean, sure, the one I got is technically "unofficial," but I don't think having a Triforce symbol on the thing constitutes it being ten times more expensive. 
Then again, maybe that's why I can't spontaneously make it rain...
Shut up, I can pretend. Leave me alone."   So this comic makes me laugh because yes i have look for a Ocarina but unfortunately i can never find one for a decent price.

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